Thursday, March 31, 2016

Revisions to Guidance to Surveyors in citing psychosocial harm related to unnecessary medications

State Operations Manual (SOM) Surveyor Guidance Revisions Related to Psychosocial Harm in Nursing Homes
Memo # 16-15-NH
Posting Date 2016-03-25
Fiscal Year 2016


• F329 Draft Revision: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has revised guidance to surveyors in Appendix PP of the SOM under F329 to enhance ease of use for surveyors and to include language related to how unnecessary use of medications may cause psychosocial harm to residents. 
• Psychosocial Outcome Severity Guide: CMS has revised language in the Psychosocial Outcome Severity Guide in Appendix P of the SOM. 
• Revisions to Selected F tags: CMS has added language to selected F tags to emphasize the risk of psychosocial harm associated with noncompliance with specific regulations. 
• The regulatory language remains unchanged.

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