Friday, March 11, 2016

CMS Authorized RACs to investigate Rehab RUGs within 10 minutes of the minimum

Therapy Minutes
The SNF PUF also includes information on two categories of RUGs for patients who receive a significant amount of therapy.  In order to qualify for an Ultra-High (RU) Rehabilitation RUG, a resident must receive at least 720 minutes of therapy each week, among other criteria. Similarly, in the case of the Very High (RV) Rehabilitation categories, the resident must receive at least 500 minutes of therapy each week. The SNF PUF includes the number of provider assessments where residents are classified into an Ultra-High Rehabilitation RUG or a Very-High Rehabilitation RUG.  It also includes the percentage of those assessments that are within ten minutes of the minimum threshold used to classify a resident into that Rehabilitation RUG category (i.e., between 500-510 minutes for RV RUGs and 720-730 minutes for RU RUGs).
Based on this information, we found:
·         51 percent of all RV assessments showed therapy provided between 500 and 510 minutes.
·         65 percent of all RU assessments showed therapy provided between 720 and 730 minutes.
·         For 88 providers, all of their RV assessments showed therapy provided between 500 and 510 minutes.
·         For 215 providers, all of their RU assessments showed therapy provided between 720 and 730 minutes.
·         More than one in five providers had more than 75 percent of both RU and RV assessments that showed therapy provided within 10 minutes of the minimum threshold.
To help ensure that patient need rather than payment incentives are driving provision of therapy services, CMS is providing approval to the Medicare Fee-for-Service Recovery Auditor Contractors (RACs) to investigate this issue. 

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