Thursday, March 31, 2016

Important Data Released by CMS

Release of 2015 Nursing Home Data Compendium
Memo # 16-14-NH
Posting Date 2016-03-25
Fiscal Year 2016

• The 11th edition of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Nursing Home Data Compendium contains figures and tables presenting data on all Medicareand Medicaid-certified nursing homes in the United States as well as the residents in these nursing homes. A series of graphs and maps highlights some of the most interesting data, while detailed data are available in accompanying tables. The data compendium is divided into three sections. Section 1 presents information on nursing home characteristics; Section 2 focuses on nursing home survey results; and Section 3 presents information on the demographic, functional and clinical characteristics of nursing home residents. 
• The data compendium presents five years of nursing home survey outcomes for the more than 15,000 nursing homes participating in Medicaid and Medicare, and four years of data on the more than 1.4 million residents who reside in nursing homes each day. 
• To access the compendium: (direct link below)

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