Thursday, October 1, 2015

Virginia DMAS Emergency Preparations: From VHCA & DMAS

October 1, 2015
Dear Judy,
The Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) asked VHCA to pass along the following information to members.
Due to the upcoming potential for inclement weather, DMAS has instituted the following emergency procedures:
1.  All pre-admission screening requirements are currently being waived for emergency admissions to the nursing facilities due to the potential for inclement weather.  The time frame covered for this waiver Friday, October 2, 2015 to Tuesday, October 6, 2015.  Any admission to nursing facilities during this time frame will be approved by DMAS provided documentation is given to support the emergency admission.  All documentation related to the emergency admission should be directed to Melissa Fritzman via fax at (804) 612-0040.  The documentation should include the completed PIRS form and information regarding the nature of the emergency admission.
2.  All emergency transportation needed to facilitate movement of individuals from their homes to a nursing facility and/or hospital will be reimbursed by DMAS.  Our transportation coordinator, LogistiCare, has been notified of DMAS' intent to honor all emergency transportation issues related to the facilitation of movement of these individuals to nursing facilities and/or hospital during the period of Friday, October 2, 2015 to Tuesday, October 6, 2015.  All transportation claims related to the movement of individuals to nursing facilities/hospitals in an emergency basis because of the inclement weather should be sent directly to Melissa Fritzman at the following address and should include clear documentation that of the nature of the transportation related to an emergency placement.  
3.  Please contact LogistiCare at 1-866-679-6330 during the period of Friday, October 2, 2015 to Tuesday, October 6, 2015 for emergency placements ONLY.  This number will only be active during the time frame outlined above specifically for emergency placements ONLY.  The approvals will cover round trip transportation.  
Send claims to:   
Melissa Fritzman, Supervisor 
Long-Term Care Division 
Department of Medical Assistance Services 
600 East Broad Street, Suite 1300 
Richmond, Virginia 23219
If we receive any additional information or updates related to the forecasted severe weather, we will forward it to you.  

Keith Hare
President and CEO

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