Friday, October 2, 2015

AMDA makes it's newsletter available for free to anyone. Link to sign up in this blog post

Caring for the Ages Editor-in-Chief Karl Steinberg, MD, CMD, takes great pride in the publication. "There is something for everyone in it. Every month, we make sure it is chock full of practical ideas and information, nuts and bolts of policy issues and regulatory news, research and drug news, and turnkey type tips and protocols that you can take and put in your arsenal of tools," he says.

"We're thrilled to make Caring available online to a broader audience. I encourage all AMDA members to recommend this opportunity to their colleagues, including physicians, administrators, front-line staff, nurses, and others," he says.

This is a scroll box. Click it and scroll down to get the link to sign up for the free newsletter  in the last line of this scroll box.

“We’re thrilled to make Caring available online to a broader audience. I encourage all AMDA members to recommend this opportunity to their colleagues, including physicians, administrators, front-line staff, nurses, and others,” he says. “We will not share their email addresses or contact information with anyone—it will be completely private; and they can un-subscribe at any time.”
Dr. Steinberg takes great pride in Caring. “There is something for everyone in it. Every month, we make sure it is chock full of practical ideas and information, nuts and bolts of policy issues and regulatory news, research and drug news, and turnkey type tips and protocols that you can take and put in your arsenal of tools.” The Caring for Consumers column, he further notes, is a great tool to share with family members and residents; and it is the perfect way to start conversations on a wide variety of issues.
For Caring readers and others, Dr. Steinberg is a familiar face and welcome presence. In addition to being an active medical director and attending physician in California and Editor-in-Chief of Caring, Dr. Steinberg is on the AMDA Board of Directors and chairs AMDA's Public Policy Committee, and he chairs the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California. His smiling face—as well as those of his dogs—can be seen in the pages of the annual AMDA Foundation Caring Canines calendar; in fact, in his facilities, his dogs are as well-known as he is (or more so, he says).
Dr. Steinberg isn’t just Editor of Caring. He also is a devoted reader. “I review every article that goes in and some that don’t. I really get a broad overview of what is happening, and I keep a finger on the pulse of new developments, trends, and studies. I also learn about the great things my colleagues are doing across the country.” 
Click here to sign up for your free Caring e-table of contents.

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