Monday, July 6, 2015

Report of MDS/Staffing Focused Survey from Alabama

There were no citations.  They made them fill out the MDS Worksheet #1.  It hadn't changed for this survey.  Here is the report:

The surveyors interviewed every nursing staff person working during the survey.  They came back at 6:00 a.m. to interview the night shift.  They asked questions like “Do you ever work short?”  What does management do about call offs?  If you work short does that affect resident care? Those types of questions.   Also they reviewed the last 18 months of our nurse staffing report.  Make sure that each day is completely filled out.  Then they reviewed a sample of MDS’s, care plans and assessments to make sure that everything is in order.  They will ask the administrator how we derived the hours worked for the form 671.  They also asked for many nursing policies and procedures.

If you have a focused survey, let me know and we can all benefit.  I will post it here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing all of the good info! I am looking forward to checking out more posts!
