Thursday, July 16, 2015

MDS/Staffing Focused Surveys: Citations for Posted Employee Hours

Reports are coming in on citations for not posting your staffing data.  I have one report of a citation,  from an annual survey, that staffing data did not include the hours worked.  Note it is a requirement to post actual hours worked, so make sure to go back and correct it as things happen over the course of the day.  Also note this annual survey was heavily centered on MDS/Staffing issues.  It was in PA. When surveyors get training, they tend to cite what they just heard about.   Virginia seems to be using the two surveyors who were trained last year do to the MDS surveys.  MA is using their complaint department.

Here is the regulation:

F356  Nurse Staffing Information—
The facility must post the following information on a daily basis:
Facility name,  current  date, census
Total number  and the actual hours worked by the following categories of licensed and unlicensed nursing staff directly responsible for resident  care per shift:
Registered nurses.
Certified nurse aides.
Data must be posted
In a clear and readable format.
In a prominent place readily accessible to residents and visitors.
Must, upon request, make nurse staffing data available to the public for review at a cost not to exceed the community standard.
Must maintain the posted daily nurse staffing data for a minimum of 18 months, or as required by State law, whichever is greater.

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