Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Some surprises in the new Modification Policy

According to the PPTs posted on the CMS website (See my blog item earlier today for link),  we will get some relief from losing money over innocent typos, but not what we have hoped for.
Here are the rules:

You can modify the ARD, Discharge date, entry date, and reason for assessment*(with qualifications) for typos only.

If you want to modify a reason for assessment (A0310)  the Item Set Code (ISC)  must NOT change.

The ISCs are found on page 2-10 of the RAI manual.

Example:  You coded a PPS 30 day/COT OMRA, but you meant to code it as just a PPS 30 day.  You may modify and remove the COT, because the ISC for this combination is "NP", and the ISC for a stand alone 30 day is NP.

BUT, you may not modify this combination to remove the PPS 30 day and leave the COT, because the stand alone COT ISC is  "NO."

AND, you may only modify ARDs for a typo in the ARD.   Example, the 14 day was done by the team with and ARD of 5/12, but MDSC typed in 5/21.  You can modify that.

When you CAN'T modify:   You did the MDS for ARD of 5/12, but you would have a better RUG if you had used 5/13.  You are still out of luck.

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