Wednesday, May 8, 2013

CMS posts new DRAFT RUG IV Grouper for Oct 1 updates

MDS 3.0 Technical Information

What's New -

May 8, 2013
A new version of the RUG-IV Specifications and DLL Package (V1.03.0) was posted.  This version is scheduled to become effective October 1, 2013.  This Version 1.03.0 of the RUG-IV grouper should be considered provisional or draft and is subject to change until the final specifications are published.  Please refer to the “RUGIV grouper overview” document for a summary of the changes that were made to this version.
A new version (V1.13.1) of the data submission specs was posted.  Documents associated with this version are dated 04/09/2013.  This version is scheduled to become effective October 1, 2013.  Version 1.13.1 should be considered provisional or draft and is subject to change until the final specifications are published.  Please refer to the Data Specifications Overview document for a summary of the changes that were made to this version.  Details about the changes are contained in the Edit Change Report and the Item Change Report.  Note that an errata document for V1.13.1 has also been posted which addresses several errors that have been identified.

 This is user documentation for the DLL provided in the RUG-IV Logic Version 1.03 Code Version 1.03.0 Grouper package. The DLL conforms to the SNF PPS Proposed Rule for FY2014. Because this version is based on the Proposed Rule, it is labeled as “DRAFT”. When the Final Rule is published, a “Final” version of the grouper package will be released. 
The changes with version 1.03.0 are: 
1. Add a new value to rehabilitation classification type parameter (sRehabType). This new value of MCAR3 for FY2014 Medicare classification works the same as the MCAR2 (FY2012 and FY2013 Medicare classification) value but changes the classification requirements for Medium Rehabilitation and Low Rehabilitation as follows: a. For Medium Rehabilitation, the requirement of 5 or more therapy days across the three disciplines (sum of O0410A4, O0400B4, and O0400C4) is being replaced by 5 or more distinct calendar days of therapy (O0420). 
b. For Low Rehabilitation, the requirement of 3 or more therapy days across the three disciplines (sum of O0410A4, O0400B4, and O0400C4) is being replaced by 3 or more distinct calendar days of therapy (O0420). 

2. As of October 1, 2013, the MDS 3.0 nutrition item K0700A indicating the proportion of calories by artificial route in the last 7 days is being replaced by three new calorie proportion items K0710A1 (received while not a resident), K0710A2 (received while a resident), and K0710A3 (received in the entire 7 days). For assessments with assessment reference date (A2300) on or after 10/1/2013, K0700A is being replaced by K0710A3 in the RUG classification logic. 
3. As of October 1, 2013, the MDS 3.0 nutrition item K0700B indicating the average fluid intake by artificial route in the last 7 days is being replaced by three new fluid intake items K0710B1 (received while not a resident), K0710B2 (received while a resident), and K0710B3 (received in the entire 7 days). For assessments with assessment reference date (A2300) on or after 10/1/2013, K0700B is being replaced by K0710B3 in the RUG classification logic. 

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