Saturday, April 6, 2013

CMS Quality Measures Manual V7.0, is now posted

CMS has released the new LTC Quality Measures manual, V7.0.  They have changed the numbering system and deleted the surveyor antipsychotic QM (as promised).  The QM concerning antipsychotics that was on Nursing Home Compare will now be used.  There is a nifty chart listing all QMs and how they are used.  The link is:  Scroll down to bottom of page for the manual and the chart.  I could not get to it by clicking the link.  I had to go to the technical information page via google (CMS MDS 3.0 technical information)  then click through.  It is there but takes some effort to find.

Note that this is not on the "Quality Measures"  portion of the website.

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