Wednesday, June 29, 2016

CMS Contractor for Pepper Reports produce Peer Reports (Somewhat like the old Comparative Billing Reports)

Very useful to see if you should be expecting targeted Medical Review:

TMF Health Quality Institute has developed peer group charts for the skilled nursing facility (SNF) PEPPER target areas; they are available for three categories:
·         Location
·         Ownership type
·         Size (number of episodes)
For each target area, the charts display the target area percent that is at the 80th, 50th and 20th percentile for each peer group category for episodes ending in fiscal year 2015 (October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015). SNFs can compare their Q4FY15 target area percent (from their PEPPER) for the target area to the peer group subcategory they consider is most similar to their facility. A document describing the methodology used to develop the peer groups and a listing of all SNFs and their peer group classification are also available on the "Data" page of on the "SNF" tab. These resources will be updated annually.

TMF is committed to providing statistics that support providers' efforts to identify and prevent improper Medicare payments. To provide feedback on PEPPER, please use thePEPPER Feedback Form. To request assistance please visit the Help Desk


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