Monday, December 21, 2015

DMAS released draft MLTSS Datebook: Virginia Medicaid Providers - Chance to provide input

Attention MLTSS Interested Stakeholders:

In keeping with our commitment for transparency and garnering on-going stakeholder inputDMAS in collaboration with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC), is pleased to provide stakeholders with a draft MLTSS Databook.  The draft Databook provides detailed information about the service utilization for the MLTSS population. DMAS encourages stakeholders including interested health plans to raise questions that can help to improve the understanding and usefulness of the databook.  We expect that some questions may lead to the need for further analysis, or even revisions to the databook, before DMAS releases the RFP.  The draft MLTSS Databook and other background information on MLTSS is available on the DMAS website at:  We ask that you send your questions/ comments related to the Databook by January 31, 2016.  Please direct all questions and comments via email to:  

Thank you.

Tammy Driscoll
Senior Programs Advisor to the Deputy of Complex Care and Services
Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS)
600 East Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219

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