Sunday, June 21, 2015

Updates on PBJ from CMS

What's New -
June 15, 2015
PBJ Data Specifications V1.00.1 Errata Document
An errata for the PBJ Data Submission Specifications Version 1.00.0 is now available in the download section below. Eight changes are identified in the errata.  As explained in issue ID 4, the workTypeCode item has been changed to be an optional item.  The item can be submitted, but it will not be validated or stored in the PBJ system.  There have been two updates to the Data Specifications Overview document.  Edits -4013 and -3679 have been clarified.  Edit -5000 has been added to constrain the month end date in the Census section, to ensure it is within the reporting quarter specified in the Header section.  The PBJ Data Submission Specifications package has deleted the definitions for fixed length fields, because XML file formats are the only format accepted.  The item fileSpecVersion will now have a single valid value, “1.00.1”, which replaces the previous valid value, “1.00.0”.
The Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) Software Developer/Vendor Call details are as follows:
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 3:00p.m. (ET) – Line will be open 15 minutes prior to start time.
Conference Call Number: 1-866-458-4949
Conference code: 652 03 308 #
Please Note: Registration for the vendor call is not necessary. Please dial in 15 minutes prior to secure a line.


Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (posted 06/15/2015)


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