Friday, September 19, 2014

RAI MANUAL ERRATA ON THE WAY & Virginia specific guidance from State RAI Manager

From: Bullard, Priscilla (VDH)
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 10:11 AM
To: Bullard, Priscilla (VDH)
Subject: RAI manual updates and CCC information

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, CMS has released the October 2014 RAI manual. There are some known issues with missing parts to this manual, as well as some textual errors. CMS will be sending out an errata or updated manual, which will be at the same site:

If you print your manual out, I recommend waiting until the clarifications are released by CMS. Some of the issues with the current release include missing item sets, incorrect or unclear text examples, and conflicting instructions.

Please realize there are changes to the actual MDS items. There is a new field, A1900, which captures the original admission date for the resident. CMS will be releasing further information for this field as the terms used in the new manual are not defined clearly. If you have not liaised with your software company regarding updates, please do so- any assessments with an ARD of 10/1/14 or later need to use the new item sets. I recommend that providers be able to manually enter data into A1900, as I have heard anecdotally that some software vendors are pre-populating this field from A1600 of the prior assessment. Under some circumstances, this date could be incorrect and the provider needs the ability to enter correct data.

I will be posting a webinar about the updates on the VDH website after the manual is finalized, and will email the link when it is posted.

Lastly, I wanted to address the questions about Medicaid information on the MDS for any Commonwealth Coordinated Care(CCC) residents. DMAS has confirmed the following:

·         For CCC residents, A0700 will continue to have the traditional Medicaid number for the resident, not the CCC number
·         For CCC residents,  S9100 is coded as managed care for the pay source on the ARD, and with the resident’s original Medicaid start date

·         For traditional Medicaid residents, A0700 and S9100 will be completed with the resident’s regular Medicaid data(number and start date). See pages A-10 and A-11 of the RAI manual

·         For residents with other pay sources, A0700 will be completed as per the RAI manual
·         For residents with other pay sources, S9100 will show the resident’s pay source on the ARD and 1/1/1950 will be used as a start date so that the assessment can be locked

Cil Bullard RN,CPC | Virginia RAI/OASIS Coordinator | Training Division | Office of Licensure and Certification|  Virginia Department of Health | 9960 Mayland Dr Suite 401 |Henrico, VA 23233-1485|     ( 804-367-2141      7 804-527-4502

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