Saturday, August 30, 2014

CMS Offers Settlement to Acute Care Hospitals and CAHs to Resolve Appeals of Patient Status Denials

To more quickly reduce the volume of patient status claim denials pending in the appeals process, CMS is offering an administrative agreement to any acute care hospital or critical access hospital (CAH) willing to resolve their pending appeals (or waive their right to request an appeal) in exchange for timely partial payment (68% of the net payable amount). CMS encourages hospitals with patient status claim denials currently in the appeals process to make use of this administrative agreement to alleviate the burden of current appeals on both the hospital and Medicare system.
More details about the providers and claims eligible for an administrative agreement, as well as the documents needed to request such an agreement, can be found on the CMS Inpatient Hospital Reviewsweb page.
  • Attend the MLN Connects Call. Registration opening soon at MLN Connects™ Upcoming Calls.
  • The administrative agreement covers admissions prior to October 1, 2013
  • Administrative agreement requests are due to CMS by October 31, 2014 

Email any questions to These questions will be answered on the MLN Connects Call and will be used to create frequently asked questions and answers that will be posted to the Inpatient Hospital Reviews web page. Watch future editions of the eNews for additional updates on this topic.

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