Saturday, August 31, 2013

SNF PEPPER Reports: Medicare Billing Vulnerabilities

The first release of the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) PEPPER (version Q4FY12) was completed on August 30, 2013. SNFs administered through short-term acute care hospitals received their SNF PEPPER electronically. The SNF PEPPER file was uploaded to the File Exchange inbox of hospital QualityNet Administrators and user accounts with the PEPPER recipient role. QualityNet Administrators received download instructions in a separate email.

Free-standing SNFs and SNFs administered through long-term acute care hospitals and inpatient rehabilitation facilities will receive their PEPPER in hard copy format via USPS first-class mail, shipped on August 30, 2013. The envelope containing the PEPPER will appear as at left and is addressed generically to the Chief Executive Officer/Administrator. SNFs should be on the look-out for this envelope and ensure it is appropriately routed internally.
What is PEPPER?
PEPPER is a report that summarizes a SNF's Medicare claims data in areas that may be at risk for improper Medicare payments. It compares the SNF's statistics with aggregate national statistics to identify whether it may be at risk for improper Medicare payments. PEPPER is distributed by TMF® Health Quality Institute under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

For more information on the SNF PEPPER, including training and resources for SNFs, the SNF PEPPER User's Guide, and to accessinformation about My QualityNet accounts and frequently asked questions, please visit

Do you have questions or comments about PEPPER or need help obtaining your report? We have aHelp Desk available on or you may provide your feedback through ourfeedback form.

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