Thursday, June 6, 2013

New CMS MDS Training video is now posted to YouTube

From the SNF ODF Website (See Resources on my website):

‘Discharge Assessments and the Use of Dashes’ video is activated on the DHHS YouTube site;  Access to this video is available on the MDS 3.0 Training page  in the Related Links section or at: Discharge Assessments and the Use of Dashes are addressed in our new MDS 3.0 Provider Update Training Series. This training series is the first web-based training offered in 2013 to providers addressing post-acute care topics. Video No. 1 covers MDS 3.0 updates for the Nursing Home setting. It includes a CMS Introduction, a panel presentation explaining what the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual and the MDS 3.0 Assessment Instrument are, and includes two training topics. The first training topic focuses on our relatively new discharge assessments, and the second topic explains how to properly code with dashes. 

From Judy:  This is a 30 minute video, the first 11 minutes cover general intro comments about what the MDS is.   While this portion is two speakers reading from a teleprompter,  the first portion is a great intro to brand new LTC folks about what the RAI process is.  

Then they cover two topics:  Discharge assessments  and Dashes. This is not a video on 'the use of dashes on a discharge assessment.  They cover the two separately.    I found it helpful to go to the YouTube link, open the 'transcript" button, which allows me to jump around in the video by clicking on specific parts of the transcript.

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