Saturday, September 21, 2013

CMS Transition Memo for October 1st RUG changes and billing instructions

 Transition for Implementation of FY 2014 SNF PPS MDS 3.0 Policy Changes 
Addition of Distinct Calendar Days of Therapy Item to MDS 3.0 
Policy Summary 
For all assessments with an assessment reference date (ARD) that is on or after October 1, 2013 and on which a provider would be coding the amount of therapy that a resident received during the assessment look-back period, item O0420 must be coded with the number of distinct calendar days that the resident received therapy services. 
Transition Policy 
1. For all assessments with an ARD before 10/1/2013, an FY2014 transition RUG will not be produced. Providers should bill all days of service associated with that assessment using the FY 2013 RUG provided by that assessment in Item Z0100A or Z0150A, even if some of those days of service are on or after 10/1/2013. 

2. For all assessments with an ARD from 10/1/2013 through 10/13/2013, an FY2013 transition RUG will be produced where the total days of therapy (items O0400A4, O0400B4, O0400C4) will be used for RUG classification. This should produce a FY2013 RUG exactly equivalent to that for an assessment with an ARD date before 10/1/2013. This FY2013 transition RUG should be used to bill any days of service before 10/1/2013 which are associated with that assessment. 

3. For all assessments with an ARD date after 10/13/2013, an FY 2013 transition RUG will no longer be produced. 

Revised Swallowing and Nutritional Status Items 
Policy Summary 
For all assessments with an ARD that is on or after October 1, 2013 and on which a provider would be coding the resident’s swallowing and nutritional status, specifically the percent intake by Artificial Route, item K0710A and item K0710B must be coded with the proportion of total calories the resident received through parental or tube feeding and the average fluid intake per day by IVor tube feeding, respectively. 
Transition Policy 
1. For all assessments with an ARD before 10/1/2013, an FY2014 transition RUG will not be produced. Providers should bill all days of service associated with that assessment using the FY 2013 RUG provided by that assessment in Item Z0100A or Z0150A, even if some of those days of service are on or after 10/1/2013.

2. For all assessments with an ARD from 10/1/2013 through 10/13/2013, an FY2013 transition RUG will be produced where: 

a. The value for non-oral calories in last 7 days (K0710A3) will be copied to the prior item (K0700A) for use by the FY2013 grouper. 
b. The value for non-oral volume in last 7 days (K0710B3) will be copied to the prior item (K0700B) for use by the FY2013 grouper. 

This FY2013 transition RUG should be used to bill any days of service before 10/1/2013 which are associated with that assessment. 
3. For all assessments with an ARD after 10/13/2013, an FY 2013 transition RUG will no longer be produced. 

Addition of Co-Treatment Minutes Item to MDS 3.0 
Policy Summary 
For all assessments with an ARD that is on or after October 1, 2013 and on which a provider would be coding the amount of therapy that a resident received during the assessment look-back period, items O0400A3A, O0400B3A, and O0400C3A must be coded with the total number of minutes the respective discipline of therapy was administered to the resident in co-treatment sessions during the previous 7 days. 
Transition Policy 
For all assessments with an ARD on or after 10/1/2013, but where the assessment look-back period for therapy includes days prior to 10/1/2013, co-treatment sessions delivered by a given therapy discipline must be recorded on the assessment, within items O0400A3A, O0400B3A, and O0400C3A as appropriate.